terraPOD is the latest innovation in the Terraplas range of high-quality stadium products.
Manufactured in the UK from HDPE, terraPOD is really strong, easy to clean and sanitise. An added benefit is that the modular construction offers an excellent channel for sponsorship opportunities!
It is designed to give Stadiums the ability to safely increase capacity when making use of the stadium pitch for Concerts and other large gathering events.
This easy to store and erect, modular system, can accommodate up to 10 people per POD, keeping patron “bubbles” segregated with Social Distancing from other groups.
The safe, clean environment and aesthetically friendly design allows a group to rent a terraPOD for an event and choose how many (up to any Government stated limit), they will include in their own POD. Even including a table and chairs, when a small group is using the POD.
Each POD incorporates integrated shelves with cup holders, and a larger rear shelf. This means that the POD group can pre-order food and beverages, or use a Stadium App, for delivery directly to the POD – avoiding unnecessary interaction with other concertgoers.
terraPODs are designed to be assembled in groups of 6, which means that on a 128m x 77m pitch, 420 PODs could be installed, meaning a healthy income potential from up to 4,200 patrons.
Not only does terraPOD offer a fantastic solution to on the pitch food and beverages, it also allows Marshalls to have control of ingress and egress flows, with the wide walkways ensuring that patrons needing to visit washrooms etc, can do so without encroaching on another POD’s space.
Not only can terraPOD make an incredible difference to Stadium events, it can also be erected directly onto grass at racecourses or other sports events to facilitate large gatherings whilst maintaining Sociable Social Distancing.
For more information contact Terraplas: contact@terraplas.com +44 (0)1332 812813,
#stadiumsocialdistancing; #racecoursesocialdistancing; #geteventsgoingagain